1 essential maximum
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > essential maximum
2 essential maximum
Математика: существенный максимум -
3 essential maximum
4 maximum
1) максимум || максимальный || максимально2) предельно допустимый; предельный3) наибольшее значение || наибольший• -
5 maximum interchange of the latest logistics information is essential
MILLIE, maximum interchange of the latest logistics information is essential"необходимо в максимальном объеме осуществлять обмен новейшей информацией по МТО"English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > maximum interchange of the latest logistics information is essential
6 maximum interchange of the latest logistics information is essential
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > maximum interchange of the latest logistics information is essential
7 существенный максимум
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > существенный максимум
1) Авиация: relative to mean sea level2) Военный термин: Maintenance Evaluation Report, Manpower Estimate Report, Minimum Engagement Range, Minimum Essential Requirements, maintenance engineering report, manpower evaluation report, master employee record, maximum effective range, multielement radar, multiple ejector rack3) Техника: mechanical-electrical relay4) Экономика: market exchange rates5) Биржевой термин: Month End Restructure6) Сокращение: Mission Evaluation Room, manned earth reconnaissance, Mineral Expert Report7) Университет: Managing Electronic Records, Materials And Electrochemical Research, Materials Electrochemical Research8) Вычислительная техника: modem equivalent rate9) Нефть: max efficiency rate, maximum efficiency of reservoir, донесение об инженерном обеспечении технического обслуживания (maintenance engineering report), максимальная производительность пласта (maximum efficiency of reservoir), максимальная эффективная норма отбора (нефти или газа из коллектора; maximum efficient rate), максимально эффективная норма отбора (maximum efficient rate)10) Иммунология: Medical Education Resources11) Космонавтика: Mars Exploration Rover12) Транспорт: Marine Environmental Response13) Деловая лексика: Magnetize Energize Recognize, Management Expense Ratio14) Бурение: максимальная пропускная способность (maximum efficient rate), максимальная эффективная норма (maximum efficient rate; отбора нефти и газа)15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: maximum efficiency rate, maximum efficient rate of production, (Medical Emergency Response) Экстренное Медицинское Реагирование16) Нефтегазовая техника максимальная интенсивность разработки (без снижения конечной нефтеотдачи), максимально эффективный уровень добычи17) Полимеры: maximum efficient rate18) Сахалин Р: Major Equipment Room19) Сахалин Ю: main equipment room20) Химическое оружие: Mechanical equipment room21) Расширение файла: Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library)22) Нефть и газ: максимально эффективный темп отбора23) NYSE. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.24) НАСА: Mars Exploration Rovers -
9 Mer
1) Авиация: relative to mean sea level2) Военный термин: Maintenance Evaluation Report, Manpower Estimate Report, Minimum Engagement Range, Minimum Essential Requirements, maintenance engineering report, manpower evaluation report, master employee record, maximum effective range, multielement radar, multiple ejector rack3) Техника: mechanical-electrical relay4) Экономика: market exchange rates5) Биржевой термин: Month End Restructure6) Сокращение: Mission Evaluation Room, manned earth reconnaissance, Mineral Expert Report7) Университет: Managing Electronic Records, Materials And Electrochemical Research, Materials Electrochemical Research8) Вычислительная техника: modem equivalent rate9) Нефть: max efficiency rate, maximum efficiency of reservoir, донесение об инженерном обеспечении технического обслуживания (maintenance engineering report), максимальная производительность пласта (maximum efficiency of reservoir), максимальная эффективная норма отбора (нефти или газа из коллектора; maximum efficient rate), максимально эффективная норма отбора (maximum efficient rate)10) Иммунология: Medical Education Resources11) Космонавтика: Mars Exploration Rover12) Транспорт: Marine Environmental Response13) Деловая лексика: Magnetize Energize Recognize, Management Expense Ratio14) Бурение: максимальная пропускная способность (maximum efficient rate), максимальная эффективная норма (maximum efficient rate; отбора нефти и газа)15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: maximum efficiency rate, maximum efficient rate of production, (Medical Emergency Response) Экстренное Медицинское Реагирование16) Нефтегазовая техника максимальная интенсивность разработки (без снижения конечной нефтеотдачи), максимально эффективный уровень добычи17) Полимеры: maximum efficient rate18) Сахалин Р: Major Equipment Room19) Сахалин Ю: main equipment room20) Химическое оружие: Mechanical equipment room21) Расширение файла: Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library)22) Нефть и газ: максимально эффективный темп отбора23) NYSE. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.24) НАСА: Mars Exploration Rovers -
10 mer
1) Авиация: relative to mean sea level2) Военный термин: Maintenance Evaluation Report, Manpower Estimate Report, Minimum Engagement Range, Minimum Essential Requirements, maintenance engineering report, manpower evaluation report, master employee record, maximum effective range, multielement radar, multiple ejector rack3) Техника: mechanical-electrical relay4) Экономика: market exchange rates5) Биржевой термин: Month End Restructure6) Сокращение: Mission Evaluation Room, manned earth reconnaissance, Mineral Expert Report7) Университет: Managing Electronic Records, Materials And Electrochemical Research, Materials Electrochemical Research8) Вычислительная техника: modem equivalent rate9) Нефть: max efficiency rate, maximum efficiency of reservoir, донесение об инженерном обеспечении технического обслуживания (maintenance engineering report), максимальная производительность пласта (maximum efficiency of reservoir), максимальная эффективная норма отбора (нефти или газа из коллектора; maximum efficient rate), максимально эффективная норма отбора (maximum efficient rate)10) Иммунология: Medical Education Resources11) Космонавтика: Mars Exploration Rover12) Транспорт: Marine Environmental Response13) Деловая лексика: Magnetize Energize Recognize, Management Expense Ratio14) Бурение: максимальная пропускная способность (maximum efficient rate), максимальная эффективная норма (maximum efficient rate; отбора нефти и газа)15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: maximum efficiency rate, maximum efficient rate of production, (Medical Emergency Response) Экстренное Медицинское Реагирование16) Нефтегазовая техника максимальная интенсивность разработки (без снижения конечной нефтеотдачи), максимально эффективный уровень добычи17) Полимеры: maximum efficient rate18) Сахалин Р: Major Equipment Room19) Сахалин Ю: main equipment room20) Химическое оружие: Mechanical equipment room21) Расширение файла: Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library)22) Нефть и газ: максимально эффективный темп отбора23) NYSE. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.24) НАСА: Mars Exploration Rovers -
11 resource
n1) способ; средство2) обыкн. pl ресурсы; запасы3) отдых, развлечения4) находчивость, изобретательность•to affect allocations of resources — влиять / воздействовать на распределение ресурсов
to canalize / to channel resources to smth — направлять ресурсы на что-л.
to contribute resources — предоставлять ресурсы / средства, обеспечивать ресурсами
to derive resources from the sea — извлекать / добывать / получать ресурсы из моря
to develop natural resources — осваивать / разрабатывать природные ресурсы
to divert resources — отвлекать / переключать ресурсы
to exploit resources — разрабатывать ресурсы; использовать ресурсы
to possess large resources — обладать большими ресурсами / природными богатствами
to rely on one's own resources — надеяться только на свои силы
to spread resources — рассредоточивать / распределять ресурсы
to stimulate the flow of foreign resources (to) — стимулировать приток внешних ресурсов / средств (в)
to target existing resources to those more in need — направлять имеющиеся ресурсы тем, кто в них больше нуждается
to top resources — подключать / использовать ресурсы
- additional resourcesto use / to utilize resources to maximum effect — использовать ресурсы наиболее эффективно
- adequate resources
- allocation of resources
- available resources
- country is devoid of natural resources
- currency resources
- depletion of essential resources - diminishing resources
- distribution of resources
- economic resources
- energy resources
- environmental resources
- essential resources
- exploitation of resources
- exploration of natural resources
- extrabudgetary resources
- fairer sharing out of the world's resources
- financial resources
- finite resources
- foreign exchange resources
- fuel and energy resources
- fuel and power resources
- fuel and raw materials resources
- fuel resources
- health resources
- human resources - internal resources
- labor resources
- limitless resources
- local resources
- manpower resources
- marshaling of resources
- material and financial resources
- material and technical resources
- material resources
- military resources
- mineral resources
- misallocation of resources
- mismanagement of resources
- monetary resources
- national resources
- natural resources
- net flow of financial resources
- nonrenewable resources
- nonreproducible resources
- overall flow of resources
- physical resources
- pooling of resources
- potential resources
- power resources
- processing of mineral and agricultural resources
- productive resources
- rational use of resources
- rationally utilized resources
- raw material resources
- recycled resources
- redeployment of resources
- renewable natural resources
- saving of resources
- scarce resources
- specific resources
- substantial resources
- timber resources
- transfer of resources
- use of resources
- vital resources
- volume of productive resources
- waste use of natural resource
- wasteful use of natural resource
- water power resources
- water resources
- world resources -
12 ultimate
1. n окончательный результат; предел2. n основной принцип3. a последний, окончательный4. a предельный, крайний, конечный5. a основной, первичный6. a самый отдалённый7. a спец. критический8. a спец. максимальный9. a лингв. падающий на последний слог слова10. v завершать11. v завершаться; иметь результатомСинонимический ряд:1. conclusive (adj.) conclusive; definitive; final2. essential (adj.) basic; elemental; elementary; essential; fundamental; primitive; underlying3. last (adj.) categorical; closing; concluding; decisive; eventual; hindmost; lag; last; latest; latter; rearmost; terminal; terminating4. supreme (adj.) absolute; extreme; farthest; furthest; highest; incomparable; maximum; outermost; paramount; preeminent; pre-eminent; supreme; surpassing; towering; transcendent; unequalable; unmatchable; unsurpassable; uttermost5. top (adj.) maximal; top; topmost; utmost6. acme (noun) acme; extreme7. apotheosis (noun) apotheosis; epitome; last word; quintessence8. peak (noun) ceiling; climax; crest; maximum; peak9. close (verb) close; complete; conclude; consummate; determine; do; end; finish; halt; terminate; wind up; wrap upАнтонимический ряд:base; initial; intermediate; least; preliminary; primary; prime; prior -
13 MEF
1) Военный термин: Major Equipment Files, Marine expeditionary force, Maximum Elevation Figure, Middle East Forces, maintenance efficiency factor, minimum essential facilities, minimum essential force, mortality enhancing factors2) Техника: median energy of fission3) Сокращение: Marine Expeditionary Force (USA), Ministry of Economy & Finance (Uruguay), Musicians Emergency Fund4) Биотехнология: Molecule of equivalent fluorochromes, mouse embryonic fibroblast5) Экология: mass emission factors6) Программирование: Mask Error Factor -
14 MEM
1) Военный термин: Micro Electro Mechanics, Mission Effectiveness Model2) Техника: modular exchange mechanism3) Сокращение: Marine Engineering Mechanics (UK Royal Navy), Maximum Entropy Method, Micro-ElectroMechanical Machine (US DoD), Micro-ElectroMechanical system (US DARPA)4) Физиология: Memorize5) Электроника: Manufacturing Equipment Monitor, Micro Electro Mechanical6) Иммунология: Minimum essential medium, minimal essential medium7) Биохимия: Modified Eagle's Medium8) Транспорт: Memphis International Airport9) Образование: Membership10) Расширение файла: Clarion Memos datafile, Memos datafile (Clarion), MEMory variable save file (Clipper - dBASE IV - FoxPro), Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)11) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) Mechanical Earth Model = геомеханическая модель, инженерно-геологическая модель12) Аэропорты: Memphis International Airport, Memphis, Tennessee USA13) AMEX. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. -
15 Mef
1) Военный термин: Major Equipment Files, Marine expeditionary force, Maximum Elevation Figure, Middle East Forces, maintenance efficiency factor, minimum essential facilities, minimum essential force, mortality enhancing factors2) Техника: median energy of fission3) Сокращение: Marine Expeditionary Force (USA), Ministry of Economy & Finance (Uruguay), Musicians Emergency Fund4) Биотехнология: Molecule of equivalent fluorochromes, mouse embryonic fibroblast5) Экология: mass emission factors6) Программирование: Mask Error Factor -
16 mef
1) Военный термин: Major Equipment Files, Marine expeditionary force, Maximum Elevation Figure, Middle East Forces, maintenance efficiency factor, minimum essential facilities, minimum essential force, mortality enhancing factors2) Техника: median energy of fission3) Сокращение: Marine Expeditionary Force (USA), Ministry of Economy & Finance (Uruguay), Musicians Emergency Fund4) Биотехнология: Molecule of equivalent fluorochromes, mouse embryonic fibroblast5) Экология: mass emission factors6) Программирование: Mask Error Factor -
17 mem
1) Военный термин: Micro Electro Mechanics, Mission Effectiveness Model2) Техника: modular exchange mechanism3) Сокращение: Marine Engineering Mechanics (UK Royal Navy), Maximum Entropy Method, Micro-ElectroMechanical Machine (US DoD), Micro-ElectroMechanical system (US DARPA)4) Физиология: Memorize5) Электроника: Manufacturing Equipment Monitor, Micro Electro Mechanical6) Иммунология: Minimum essential medium, minimal essential medium7) Биохимия: Modified Eagle's Medium8) Транспорт: Memphis International Airport9) Образование: Membership10) Расширение файла: Clarion Memos datafile, Memos datafile (Clarion), MEMory variable save file (Clipper - dBASE IV - FoxPro), Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)11) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) Mechanical Earth Model = геомеханическая модель, инженерно-геологическая модель12) Аэропорты: Memphis International Airport, Memphis, Tennessee USA13) AMEX. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. -
18 Jacquard Machine
The jacquard machine is an essential addition to looms intended for weaving ornamental designs that are beyond the scope of stave -work. The machine is made in many forms and sizes for different branches of the weaving industry, but its characteristic feature is that it furnishes the means whereby every individual thread in a design may weave differently from all the others. This permits the delineation of all forms and shapes and the fineness of the detail is only limited by the texture, e.g., the number of ends and picks per inch. The action of the jacquard machine is communicated to the warp threads through a system of cords known variously as the harness mounting and jacquard harness. Actually, loom harness ante-dated the jacquard machine by many centuries, and many draw loom harnesses were much more complicated than modern jacquard harnesses. An essential feature of a jacquard is that each hook in the machine can be lifted at will independently of the others. The selection of which hooks shall lift and which shall be left down is made by the designer, by painting marks on squared paper to indicate the hooks that must be lifted on each pick. In cutting the pattern cards, a hole is cut for every mark or filled square on the design paper, and a blank is left for every empty square on the paper. Assuming that each pattern card represents one pick of weft, when the card is pressed against the needles of the jacquard, the blanks push the unwanted needles and hooks out of the path of the lifting griffe; the holes allow the needles to pass through and thus remain stationary, so that the corresponding hooks remain in the path of the lifting griffe and cause the corresponding warp threads to be lifted. Jacquard: Single-lift, single-cylinder - In this machine there is only one griffe which lifts on every pick, and only one pattern cylinder, which strikes every pick. This restricts the speed at which the loom can be operated. Jacquard: Double-lift, single-cylinder - This is the machine in most common use for ordinary jacquard work. There are two lifting griffes and twice as many hooks as in a single-lift machine, but only the same number of needles and one card cylinder. The shed formed is of the semi-open type, which causes less movement of the warp threads, as any threads which require to be up for two or more picks in succession are arrested in their fall and taken up again. Double-lift jacquards give a greatly increased loom production as compared with single-lift machines, as they permit the speed of the loom to be increased to about 180 picks per minute for narrow looms, as compared with 120 to 140 picks per minute for single-lift jacquards. Jacquard: Double-lift, double-cylinder - In this machine there are two sets of hooks and needles, two lifting griffes and two card cylinders, odd picks in one set of cards and even picks in the other set. This permits maximum loom speed, it prolongs the life of the pattern cards, but is open to the serious drawback that spoiled cloth is caused whenever the two card cylinders get out of correct rotation. Jacquard: Cross Border - Fabrics with borders, such as tablecloths, bed quilts, etc., are woven with jacquards with two griffes, two sets of hooks and two card cylinders. The cards for weaving the border are laced together and weave on one cylinder, while the centre cards are on the other cylinder. The loom weaves at the speed of a single-cylinder, single-lift machine, and the change from the border to the centre cards can be made by hand or automatically -
19 MEP
1) Американизм: Major Emphasis Program, Migrant Employment Program2) Военный термин: Management Engineering Plan, Master Evaluation Plan, Minuteman education program, Mission Essential Power, Multiple Entry Points, major electronics procurement, management engineering program, management evaluation program, medical education program, mission equipment package, mobile electric power, Mission Enhancement Program (AWACS), Ministry of Electronics Industry (FSU)3) Техника: Member of European Parliament4) Химия: Methanol Equivalent Productivity5) Строительство: (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) инженерные сети6) Математика: принцип максимальной энтропии (maximum entropy principle)7) Сокращение: Mail Exit Point, Management Engineering Programme, Master of Engineering Physics, Medium External Pintle (Belgium), Member of the European Paliament, Member of the European Parliament, Microelectronics Package, Middle East Perspective, Multiple Equipment Package, mean probable error, men employed, moon-earth-plane, смежные (инженерные) разделы (mechanical, electrical, plumbing), Члены Европарламента (Members of the European Parliament)8) Физиология: Maximum Expiratory Pressure, Motor Evoked Potentials9) Фирменный знак: Mechanical Electrical Plumbing10) Деловая лексика: Manufacturing Extension Partnership11) Сетевые технологии: Message Exchange Pattern, Most Effective Profile12) Полимеры: methylethylpyridine13) Макаров: молекулярный электростатический потенциал14) Должность: Multi Engine Pilot -
20 MOP
1) Компьютерная техника: Multiple Original Printout2) Военный термин: JCS Memorandum of Policy, Measures Of Performance, Memorandum of Policy, manner of performance, manual operations panel, manual override panel, measure of performance, medical outpatient, message output processing, method of preparation, mission operations plan, mobility operating procedure, mode of operation, model operational plan, monitor panel, mustering-out pay, Ministry of Defense Industry (FSU), боеприпас большой мощности заглубляющегося типа (для поражения высокопрочных заглубленных целей, напр., бункеров; сокр. от "massive ordnance penetrator")3) Техника: main oil pump, maintenance operational procedures, maintenance operations program, maintenance outline procedure, manual optical picture analysis, minimum output power, modification of procedure, monthly operating plan4) Шутливое выражение: Mashed Out Posse5) Химия: Muriate Of Potash6) Математика: многоцелевое программирование (multiobjective programming)7) Юридический термин: Mash Out Posse8) Страхование: manufacturers output policy9) Биржевой термин: Maximum Offering Price10) Грубое выражение: Make Out Party11) Сокращение: Macau Pataca, Magnetic Orange Pipe, manned orbital platform, Meeting of the Parties, Measure Of Performance (Critical and essential aspect of all sorts of business activities (training, delegation, planning anything, product development etc.))12) Физиология: Mental Or Physical13) Электроника: Modify Operating Procedures14) Вычислительная техника: Maintenance Operation Protocol, Multiple Original Prints, Meta Object Protocol (CLOS), Maintenance Operations Protocol (DEC)15) Нефть: margin of overpull, monthly oil production, movable oil plot16) Экология: оперативная программа "Метеосат", МОП17) Деловая лексика: Major Opportunity Planning, Measuring Organizational Performance18) Пластмассы: Modern Organic Products19) Часовое производство: mother-of-pearl, перламутровый (Например - MOP dial - перламутровый циферблат часов)20) Сахалин Ю: maximum operating pressure21) Химическое оружие: maintenance operating procedure22) Ювелирное дело: Перламутр (Mother of pearl)23) Безопасность: Means Of Production24) Расширение файла: Maintenance Operations Protocol, Multiple On-line Programming25) Аэропорты: Mt. Pleasant Airport, Mount Pleasant, Michigan USA26) НАСА: Memorandum Of Procedure27) Программное обеспечение: Meta Object Protocol28) ГОСТ: means of protection (IEC 60601-1, ed. 3.0 (2005-12))
- 1
- 2
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Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium